What is CBD oil
Cbd oil derives from Cannabidiol and it is almost 40% of the plants extract. Although it has been know since the 1940’s only lately this product has been promoted for its actual benefits and uses.
Can CBD oil get me high?
A common question we come across is CBD oil will get me hign. CBD oil does not contain THC which is the main psychoactive ingredient in the marijuana plant. So no cbd will not get you high but it keeps all of the beneficial effects of the plant.
What is CBD oi Good for?
CBD oil is good for a variety of problems associated with our health. Relief from pain is the main purpose of its use but also it has been found to work well in relieving anxiety and improving your mental state in cases of sleep deprivation or fighting depression symptoms. It is true that a product containing cbd oil has also been approved by the FDA to treat epilepsy.
Recent history of CBD oil.
Unfortunately although cbd oil was known since the early 40’s only recently has it began to gain popularity because of the status of marijuana use in the USA. Products took off three years ago and all marijuana related products started to develop further. In that regard also cbd oil took off and after many personal stories heard in the news and media such as the joe rogan podcast and others CBD oil starting its journey.
The Benefits are huge and the products differ. From rubbing balm to drops CBD oil is well on its way of being a mainstream herbal medicine that produces results for many people. Further research needs to be made in order to become less afraid of the stigma associated with marijuana but so far the results are amazing.
True Evidence of CBD use.
Word of mouth had been the biggest proponent of the use of cbd oil but now there are strong scientific evidence for its use in treating childhood epilepsy. CBD was able to reduce seizures and in some cases stop them completely. Even videos are proof online that cbd drastically worked on these occasions.
Treating anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain as well as reducing inflammation are some of cbd’s positive effects.
Our CBD products
We only sell the most trusted cbd oil products that are not heavily diluted with other ingredients and from which you can have some positive results fast.
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